People have been saying on Facebook what they plan to give up for lent and some of the things they are giving up are pretty inventive to say the least. Some plan to give up bread, social media, negativity, but I think my favorite thing was last year when a friend from college gave up her eyebrows for lent. This beautiful young woman is a natural redhead and her eyebrows were so light and pale that for many years she had penciled them in. She had the routine down to a science so that she was able to play sports in college and not sweat them away. This simple piece of vanity was what she was willing to rid herself of during lent. The surprising thing is that after lent she didn't resume her old vain habit and she is still as lovely as ever. Her beauty comes from within. She is a devout catholic and she isn't afraid to speak out about her beliefs and convictions, even when they may not be popular. She shows great courage and I'm proud to have Cathy Ann as my friend.

my big thing is candy and in the past I've given it up for lent along with other things over the years. This year I'm broadening the candy thing to include all refined sugar because I could technically have cakes, pies, ice cream, etc. because they weren't candy. This year is starting off rough because the church youth have a pancake supper just before the Ash Wednesday service and we all know what is good on pancakes. Looks like I'll have to eat beforehand. Then this morning Ms. Margaret from preschool was going to give me a Valentine Brownie. No brownie and no long face for me.
Not yet, anyway.

On this day, Ash Wednesday, we remember that from the dust of the earth we were made. We received the breath of life from God. One day, to dust our bodies will return. Our time here on earth is minute when compared to eternity.
Lent isn't just about self denial. It is also about accepting. During these 40 days, rather than dwell on what I'm giving up or removing from my life or denying myself the pleasure of, I will honor the Divine who puts breath within me and turn my focus to the eternal life I will receive through Christ's death and resurrection.
Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the god of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Amen (BCP)
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