True, autumn hasn't arrived yet, but it is on the way. The shadows are getting longer, sunrise is getting earlier. Schools have started back and the young people, though they complain, I think they are secretly glad to have their days filled with socializing with friends and having plenty to do rather than face those endless days of summer.
Preschool has started back also. The building that was so silent all summer is now alive with giggles, princesses with toenails color coordinated with their outfits, rambunctious boys and happy, excited teachers. The hallway has a rack of drying paintings, the floor has slices of pizza and the children are busy getting to know one another and the organization of the world around them. Suddenly there are lines outside the bathroom doors.
Wednesday Evening Fellowship and choir practice will begin tonight after the summer hiatus. Those delicious meals and tempting desserts will help to break up the long week and we will have one less meal to prepare each week. The Fellowship is a great chance to catch up with everyone that you barely see over the summer and it feels because we all become more like a tight knit little family again as the holidays start to approach.
Church business and busy-ness will begin again as well. Committee meetings, putting together committees for next year, reviewing and compiling budgets... have we achieved our goals? Have we reached out to others? Are we saving for a rainy day, meeting our obligations or is God providing what we need? Have we shared what we have? Both our gifts and talents? Or have we just written a check instead of participating?
It is just as important to actively participate as to passively donate and you CAN do both! You can volunteer to serve! Pray about what is close to your heart and find a way to contribute your time and talent to that committee or to supporting that committee's work.
Maybe you can't knit, but I'll bet you could deliver a shawl or lap robe and spend a half hour with someone who is home bound and lonely and needs to feel loved. Maybe you can't teach Sunday School, but you could help trim shrubbery, rake leaves, or mow the lawn for one of the church members whose health doesn't allow them to do it. Maybe you can't cook a meal for the sick but you could help a widow with some simple house repairs or give someone a ride to the grocery store. Your help is needed and can make a difference in someone's life!
Look around you.... look at your brothers and sisters. Get to know them and ask... "could I help you with that?" There are many opportunities to serve and if you have some free time and don't know where to spend it, call your friendly church office... I'll bet they can offer some suggestions for you.